Please Consider Supporting the Parish

To get more information about your options or to register for pre-authorized giving or E-offering Contact Us


Donate Online Through

You can donate online with your credit card through CanadaHelps, a non-profit organization that works for charities across Canada. Please click the “Donate Now” button below and follow the easy instructions. When completed a receipt is automatically emailed to you.

Donate Now Through! Donate NOW using the secure online web site

Envelopes: Confidential envelopes are available for those who attend services regularly. The envelopes have a donor number which enables the church to keep track of your contributions. Receipts for tax purposes are issued at the end of the year.

Pre-Authorized Giving: You can make donations through regular deductions from a bank account.

E-Offerings: Safe and secure means for transferring funds online.

Cheque: Donations by cheque are payable to the Corporation of the Anglican Parish of St. Andrews. If mailing a donation, please be sure to include your full mailing address.

Drop By: Drop by for a visit and make a personal contribution. (see services times or events calendar)